Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reaction to Ken Robinson's Lecture

In my opinion there are many classrooms where the students are being asked to perform the exact same task over and over again. These assignments are graded the same and have one answer. By doing these types of assignments it leaves little room for students to be creative and expand. Students need to be led in the same direction but then left on their own to figure out how to complete an assignment. There are many variations of the same task that can be right depending on creativity levels. If students are using their talents at a young age they will simply lose interest in them. It is important to get children out doing things that they love and off the couch.

Creativity and variety are a few ways to keep lessons at school fun and exciting. Students aren't interested in a boring class where everything is done in one way with one answer. Students want to be able to create something and call it their own, something to be proud of and show off to their classroom. Students who start to get bored by these classes end up dropping out of school or may even turn to things such as drugs and alcohol. If lesson's aren't fun they will start to pay less and less attention during school and grades will begin to slip.

I feel throughout my schooling there was a lot of choices that led us to be creative. We had many projects where there wasn't a specific outcome the teachers were looking for but rather our own intake of the unit. We were able to express what we learned in our own way. There was a good variety but we never felt there was one certain way to do things. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade we had multiple projects, both in and out of class, where we had to take it upon our self to do things such as show a part of a book, or a project on a certain animal. We were able to combined our imagination along with creativity. I loved being able to create my own project how I wanted to do it. There were guidelines but no one in the class had the same final project. I felt this is how many classes should be. Giving the students information, guiding them, but also letting them show you what they got out of it.

I agree with Ken Robinson to a point. I do feel students need the oportunity to express themself in their work although there will be certain lessons and assessments that are straight forward. Students need a variety in the classroom and the ability to show who they are.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that lack of opportunities to express creativity can lead to student boredom. Students want to know that their learning has meaning. I used to have students say things like "Why do we have to take music?" I have not heard that comment in such a long time because they know that my classroom is an opportunity every day for them to be creative and they desperately need a creative outlet during the day. As educators, we must look for those times throughout the day where we can cultivate that innate desire for students to express their creativity.
